Monday, March 23, 2015

The Hamm family has been busy busy lately. Big things are happening and with it finally feeling like Spring we've been spending a lot of time outside.

This time last year life changed drastically for us. Loren started trucking and soon after we found out we were having twins. While life isn't throwing us a huge twin curveball again (thank God), things are changing big time. Loren was laid off from the union last Thursday. I was a little pissed about it at first but after talking to him about it, I realized it is for the best. We knew he'd be going back to trucking soon so this is giving him some time to get ready. They bought a new truck last week so Loren will be using his days off getting it ready. He needs plates, they still need to sell the old Mack and Loren wants to get the service truck cleaned up and reorganized. I'm so excited he's going back. I seriously can't wait to go on ride alongs again. There's just something about riding in a semi that totally lifts my spirits.

We also have some other things that we'll be trying to get done this week. Loren will be training me for my Concealed Carry License and we are hoping to do some random little projects to the condo to get it ready to be rented out. I'm praying we'll be able to move late spring/early summer.

Besides Loren's job change, I decided I'd like to go back to work. I found a fantastic sitter last week and had my first day back last Thursday. I'm cleaning again. It's not the most glamorous job but it pays really good and I can pretty much make my own schedule. I'll most likely be working about 3 days a week and about 5-6 hours a day.  It's kind of scary because I think it's so important to be at home with my kids but I have a feeling it will be just fine.

This week we don't really have anything planned. We did a lot over the weekend, including a kid free night of drinking with friends, so I feel like we're going to need a couple days to recover from that. I swear, the hangovers get worse and worse with age. I need to start planning Loren's 30th birthday party so I think I'll be working on that. I'm going to try and plan a camping trip with some friends. I'm super excited.

Other than that we'll pretty much just be hanging out. It snowed over night so that's super sucky. I have to work tomorrow and since Loren is off he'll be with the kids for the day.

Well time to start getting the tribe ready for bed.

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